Friday, August 26, 2011

The first day of school

Well it has finally come upon our house - the first day of school.  I have dreaded this day since the last day of school.  While I am 100% confident in her ability to learn, play with others and be excited about things, I was not 100% confident about my ability to let go of the amazing situation we had last year.  Last year for three-year school she was instructed by four adorable, loving and caring high school seniors.  Annmarie formed an instant bond with these young women and loved every single moment of school.  Don't get me wrong, will she love Mrs. G and the aides - yes but, the undivided attention she received last year will not be the same.  I know it's a good thing to encourage more independent learning, but when you're a working parent like myself, perhaps I liked (too much) the caring hands of her four young teachers.  Maybe I even allowed them to be in my shoes a bit too much.

So today began very early with a sleepless night - did we make the right decision (yes), will she like it (yes), will she learn and grow intelluctually, spiritually, physically (yes, yes and yes), are we doing our best as parents (yes) and the list goes on and on.  As she woke this morning, I had carefully placed her favorite dishes and favorite breakfast on the table, placed a new dress, shoes and bow on the couch - all things are in their place. And then I realized one thing was missing - my excitement.  I should not worry, or feel angst, or pressure, or sadness, she is growing up and this is a good thing.  I am a raising a smart, independent, wise, caring, loving, playful young lady.  And last years teachers and this years teachers and teachers in the future, close to her, or not, are all playing a role in that too.  So while Annmarie marches off to school, I feel compelled to take a a tour around the school of life - a refresher course if you will.  It's nice to be reminded that learning and instruction and love happens all of the time - inside and outside of the classroom.

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