Friday, August 5, 2011

Will you just lay with me?

This has been a crazy week - and this weekend is penned to be a little crazier.  Frankly, next week is shaping up to be nuts too.  I digress.  Annmarie is a pretty good napper, and this week she has been at VBS from 9-2, missing her afternoon nap.  Thankfully, he amazing sitter has been able to squeeze in some late afternoon nap time on most days, but boy is that kid a mess come 5pm.  WOW.  She is exhausted.  You may wonder why this matters?  After falling asleep 4 nights this week on the 6 block ride home from Debbie's we carry her in to the guest bedroom/playroom for a little pre dinner nap.  This has prompted (1) eating dinner in bed and (2) pleas for a companion sleeper/rest (hence, will you just lay with me).  Now any good parent would relish in these cuddles, and I do...but I also JUST walked in the door, shoes on, work clothes on, thirsty, you get the picture.  I guess this is where one of those silly parental sacrifices occurs - no Diet Coke and yoga pants till I chillax with Rie a bit.

I see why she likes this little place, this nuzzley, warm, yet cool, bed, My Little Pony on tv - this is pretty awesome...and I plan to do more of it.  She's growing up to fast and will soon hate me and I could use a reason to slow down and smell the colorific roses.

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