Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's 5:50 in the morning...

And another busy day is upon us.  Annmarie started Vacation Bible School; ended day camp; is moving up tonight in gymnastics; has a pool party Friday night; a playdate Saturday...shall I go on.  While I have always felt like a parent, I feel now that we have entered parent-hood.  What's the difference?  We are never home!  Some one is shuffling from one 'hood to the next as we load of social, physical, spiritual and emotional calendars with activities and experiences that we deeply believe benefit our child.  Could this benefit be working mother overcompensation?  Absolutely!  Could it be that Annmarie loves to be busy much like her Mom?  Absolutely!  Either way, I am most excited about her attending VBS.  This is really the first activity Annmarie has done with our neighborhood school, St Germaine.  And while she will not attend school there (yet), she is making relationships with neighborhood kids and this is a bit new for us.  As the next year unfolds, her relationships with others will develop independently of John and I - this includes her relationship with God.  Whether or not you're of the same belief system of me or not, I could not be prouder when she mumbles little prayers on her own and of her free will.  And really, at 5:50 in the morning, whose not saying a little prayer? 

If faith is something that interests you, I encourage you to read John's Uncle's blog - it's really fantastic, and if faith is not your area of comfort, read it anyway, it's that good.

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