Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chicken wings and juice boxes

Last night we had a very casual BBQ with the parents of a little girl Annmarie has befriended.  Annmarie and A have been in dance and gymnastics together since last fall. I literally see this Mom one or two times a week and spend an hour plus chatting, she is a good friend.  Last night, A, her parents and brother came over to swim and have dinner and drinks.  Something struck me last night - we are darn lucky people.  We have an incredibly good life, a lovely home, spacious yard, food to eat - but most important - smiles to be shared and no judgement.  Last night during dinner, drinks and playtime I really felt that no one in our yard was casting any judgement.  I really think people judge all of the time...yes all of the time.  Failing to judge is a major success.  I have never felt so comfortable in my own space, physical and otherwise.

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