Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fairy light = danger

I had a little post planned all in my head and as I sat down to write this A comes down the stairs holding a little Tinkerbell light.  The light was previously on her super heavy, very tall, antique dresser.  When I asked how this ended up in her hands she said "duh, I stacked all the pillows up and grabbed it."  Now I should be mad - (1) she is out of bed (2) she did something dangerous and (3) because I am the Mommy and I can do that but really, I am proud.  Why?  (1) she was crafty enough to figure out a way to do it and (2) she did not lie. 

Hence, today's parenting dilemma - be mad because she did something foolish or be proud that she was honest and forthcoming?  I am erring on the side of proud.  Kids, even my little four year old, are living in a world with tremendous pressure.  It starts before day one - be born on time, grow quick, eat well, sleep right, don't wake the neighbors, speak at an early age (and in multiple languages) and the list goes on.  So shoot, who cares.  She broke a rule, it was small - but she was honest.  High fives to my honest, adorable and forthcoming child.

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