Thursday, March 10, 2011

My love/hate relationship with March 10th

March 10th is an important day in our family. 
  • March 10, 1973 - Mom and Dad were married
  • March 10, 1947 - my father in law was born
  • March 10, 2008 - my friend's son was born
  • March 10, 194x - our family friend was born
  • March 10, 2005 - my Grandma passed away

Sad but true, the only one of these dates I have been able to focus on for years now, is the passing of my Grandma.  She was the best.  No, really, she was.  My Grandma was AWESOME.  For as long as I will live, no other place will show the best of me, like the glimmer in Gram's eyes when I did something well, or not.  To her, I was perfect, and to me, she was too.

My Grandma had a great life, while filled with the normal ups and downs of raising a large family, she brought joy to many people.  Having spent many years raising a family, my Gram spent her latter years waiting tables at a local restaurant. Nightly she served dinner to some of the south-side's notable characters, always leaving at the end of the night knowing how much she made in tips, who drank which cocktail and what the weather was on that day.  She could tell you who had a Manhattan on March 10, 1987 and whether it rained or snowed on the turn of a dime. 

Quirkiness aside, my Gram had a liking, well really, a love and passion for shopping, most notably purses and jewelry.  Not a day goes by that I do not think of her as  I wear a pair of earrings, or slip on a bracelet or grab money from my handbag.  No other woman in my life influenced my choices of accessories like she did.

As years have passed and times have changed, I know I am not perfect, and I have learned that she was not either.  But that does not really matter, she was the greatest Grandma around, hands down.  She was protective to a fault, fiercely loving and kind - I miss her all of the time. And it is hard knowing that my daughter never had the chance to meet her, but I know one thing for sure, A's love for glitter and glam comes with divine inspiration.  Thanks Gram!

 My Grandma (seated in red) with many of my cousins at her 70th birthday party

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