Friday, February 25, 2011


A conversation in our house that occurs often is "why are you always so tired and crabby?"  I know I am not alone in this conversation.  There are millions of mothers out there that are simply exhausted.  The reason behind the exhaustion (with a side effect of crabbiness) is mommyclopedia.  Mommyclopedia is the condition of having to know everything - appointments, shoe sizes, birth weight, last time fed, favorite snack on a Wednesday (dramatically different than Thursday), favorite color, correct approach for going to the doctor, magic words of the day, size of pants next August and so on and so and so on. 

I'm not going to lie, my husband knows, nor would be able to answer 99% of the items mentioned about.  That does not make him a bad father just like knowing these things does not make me a good mother, but knowing all of these things can be overwhelming at times. 

There's no magic cure for mommyclopedia, my Mom can still recite many of these things about my sister and I.  I guess the good side of the condition means my mind will always be fresh, crabby or not.

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