Friday, March 11, 2011

Ups and Downs

Anyone who has known me for a long time knows that I have struggled with my weight.  I was consistently average through high school and even most of college.  My senior year of college through the age of 25 I was very much a "plus."  At 25 I decided to change my life and enrolled in Weight Watchers  and after about 3 years I had lost around 90 pounds.  And then, I got married and pregnant and welcomed a large portion of that weight back.  Since January I have recommitted to Weight Watchers and have lost every week since.  It's not a ton of weight, but it's slow and steady progress.

I have never felt bad about myself, plus sized or not - I made the choice each and every time to put food in my mouth. Right or wrong, I made the choice. The choices I made have led to tighter pants and plus sized shirts, but those choices were all mine.  When it comes to weight loss, it's not about the scale it's about accepting your responsibility for the choice you have made in life...and then dealing with it.

You see ups and downs on the scale are just like every up and down in life - you chose them.  Conscious or not, the things that happen to you (positive or negative) are all part of who you are.  The path you take makes you - YOU. 

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