Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to social media hoarding

Several years ago I took the time to blog and participate in the livejournal community.  I found it extremely rewarding but then I'll be honest, Facebook took over my life.  I love it,  I really, really love it.  It's on  my computer at home, on my laptop, at work, on my phone and now I can even stream Facebook to my TV.  This is NUTS.

All that said, I love keeping up with people, their happenings (good and bad) and seeing pictures of peoples' lives.  Granted, FB has it' has share of drama, but whatever.

Speaking of TVs - yesterday John purchased a 45 inch, LED, HDTV for our family room.  Say good bye to the 55 inch beast that ate up half of our family room for the last 10 years.  John has wanted this TV for a long time, every time he turned the TV on you could tell he was saying a "please be dead," prayer.  On a whim (and at the granting of a little contract gig) I set him loose with a budget for a new TV.  It made me wonder, how do other couples manage cash, gifts, large purchases and such.  John and I have a $100 and over discussion, when it comes to things outside of household goods.  It sounds small in this day and age, but when I need or want to buy things, I usually just say "I am in need of new jeans and such, I am planning to spend $X." And there it goes.  How do others handle this?  I know some couples that have $500 threshold and others that have a joint account and a (each) couples account.  Whatever works for you I say.

So in this day and age, I'm adding to my social media hoarding-like tendencies and hosting a blog.  I'm not sure what to talk about, I'm not sure how often I will say it, or even whom I will share it with.  But here it is. 

Maybe this blog is one and done, or not.

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