Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patience is indeed a virtue

...that I do not possess.  I suck at being patient.  I suck at being a patient wife, customer, employee, employer - you name it, I suck at it.  I don't really know why this is, and really, I don't care...except when it comes to being an impatient parent.

Outside of the random moments when we all lose it - I am a terribly impatient mother.  Example, I make and serve dinner to my family, we eat together at the dinner table (side note: as all families should).  My daughter takes 100,000 times longer to eat than any other human on the planet. On most nights it starts off well, we all dine together, chatting, singing little songs, talking about the food and then time is up.  I am done, John is done and still nibbling...and nibbling and so on.  This causes quite a dilemma for my over-scheduled brain.  Sit and stare or get up and start cleaning up the stove?

I have realized that in a few short years, she will rush through dinner, text message a friend and slam her bedroom door.  Savour these nibbling moments, I tell myself, soon you'll beg for them.

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