Friday, August 16, 2013

Never enough

There seems to never be enough time.  Never enough time to read.  Never enough time to blog (sorry).  Never enough time to rest.  Never enough time to exercise. Clean. Organize. Enjoy simple things. Cook gourmet meals.  The list can go on and on. Where does this time go?  It seems like yesterday I was the mother of a drooling toddler.  Next week she starts first grade.  Many of my colleagues have their children going of to college for the first time today.  They keep saying "it goes by so fast."  I never believe them. BUt maybe I should.  I mean really, where the heck has time gone?  

I can easily and admitted say that my time is here, at my desk, working.  While she is fast asleep dreaming Hannah Montana dreams.  And I could easily say I could do more, be engaged more, mother more, play more.  But that's not realistic all the time.  Let's face it.  Every Mom is different.  Every parent is different.  It makes not one better than the other.  I see Mom's on Facebook all the time taking park trips, making crafts, Pinetristing-projects.  That's not me.  I should really stop being so pissed about it.  I am who I am and I am the mother that she needs.  Time aside.  I do  my best.  And I can do better.  We all can.

So yeah, time is flying, really, really flying.  Pretty much I need to stop resenting time, other Mother's skills and work on my own.  My kid rocks.  And so do I.  So there.  Take that.

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