Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pulling Jokes on Me? You? Us?

Not terribly long ago, I walked in to my daughter's room to wake her for the day.  It was cloudy, and early, and still a bit dark.  She woke and started screaming "stop joking on me, it's still nighttime!" (insert shrills).  I was not joking of course, and damn was she crabby.  But this leads me to think about all the times I have thought she was so little, small, immature, growing, learning - who is playing a joke on me? 

How does someone so small become so intuitive?  So in touch with what is not right?  How does this happen?  How does a four year old ask questions like "remember when we went to x place and I ate y?" and she really remembers.  What response do you give when John and I have a a "s.p.e.l.l.i.n.g" discussion about "b.e.d.t.i.m.e" and she says "stop talking like that, I know it's about me!"

Kids are too smart these days.  I am not sure I'll ever be able to outsmart this one.